maanantai 12. maaliskuuta 2018

Penkkarit ja Abi Goes Tallinn 2018

Last month, February, was really exciting time, because we had our Penkkarit and we went to Tallinn. These few months have been quite busy and stressful time, because I have had to read for the matriculation examinations that started today, 13th of March. But now I had finally the time to write this post for you and share some pictures!

My friends and I dressed as Little Red Riding Hoods and we really loved our outfits. The costumes were warm to wear in a cold weather and we received many compliments about them. We had red capes and a wooden basket filled with candy. I threw 4 kilograms of candy.
We went to elementary schools and junior high schools. When the clock was 13:00 we headed for the trucks that drove us around the city.

The next day, 16th of February, we headed to Helsinki, because it was time to go to Tallinn. We stayed at Viru hotel and I thought it was beautiful. The view from my room (I was at 21th floor) was breathtaking. Especially when this was the first time for me when I was in Tallinn.
When the clock was 21:00, we headed to the bar and to the dancefloor. I spent the rest of the night dancing with my friends till the morning hours. I went to sleep about 5:00 and got about two hours sleep, but it was all worth it!
The view from my hotel room.
I would like to know what you liked this post, what did you wear at your Penkkarit or if you were also in Tallinn! If you are candidate for the matriculation examination (abiturientti) next year or someday, I want you to enjoy every moment there is (even though it is hard sometimes)! Also good luck for your matriculation examinations if you are having it right now like me!

tiistai 28. helmikuuta 2017

                                       Wanhojen päivä 2017

(Kirjoitan tämän postauksen poikkeuksellisesti suomeksi.)

Perjantaina 17.2.2017 oli joka tytön odotettu unelmapäivä: wanhojen päivä. Olimme harjoitelleet joulusta asti 3 kertaa viikossa ja meillä oli tanssittavana kolmetoista erilaista tanssia. Kerron postauksessa päivästäni ja kokemuksia jos sinäkin tanssit tulevaisuudessa wanhat (kannattaa kyllä)!  Nämä kuvat on ottanut ihanat serkkuni Roosa ja Titta.

Tanssin sinisessä mekossa ja minulla oli alla tyllihame.
Klo 6.00: Heräsin ja koulussa täytyi olla klo 8:30. Halusin kampaustyyliksi nutturan, mutta halusin siitä erilaisen joten päätimme äitini kanssa tehdä sivunutturan. Olimme Glitteristä ostaneet kimaltavan hiusnauhakoristeen (ostin kaikki koruni Glitteristä). En nähnyt kenelläkään samanlaista kampausta, joten olin tyytyväinen.

Oli aika meikata, joten pohjustimme ihoni. Halusin kiinnittää huomion silmiin enemmän, joten laitoimme tekoripset ja sinivaalean luomivärin. Huulet pidin hyvin luonnollisena. Sitten olikin aika pukea wanhojen mekko. Minulle oli aina alusta asti selvää, että haluan sinisen mekon, jossa on glitteriä. Rakastin mekkoani!

Klo 8:30: Oli aika tanssia koulumme oppilaille ja opettajille muutama tanssi, mikä kesti noin 1 tunnin mukaan lukien kaikki ajat kun odottelimme. Tämän jälkeen menimme kiertämään vanhoja kouluja. Seuraava tapahtuma oli päivätanssit klo 12:15.

Klo 14:30: Otimme muutamat kuvat kaverini Eerikan ja siskoni Jasminin kanssa. Sitten olikin aika mennä syömään Antonioon (kovan tanssin jälkeen oli kauhea nälkä), josta olimme varanneet paikan isolle 13 ihmisen porukallemme. Söimme ja nautimme hyvästä seurasta. 

Klo 18:00: Oli iltatanssien aika eli viimeinen kerta tanssia nämä kauan harjoitellut tanssit. Olin kyllä iloinen, koska jalkani alkoivat olla jo niin kipeät tanssimisesta. Tanssimme yhteensä 13 tanssia ja tilaisuus kesti noin 1h30min. Lopuksi tanssimme läheistemme kanssa.

Klo 22:00: Ihana päivä alkoi olla ohi ja oli aika mennä wanhojen jatkoille. Onneksi vaikka jalkani sattuivat kovin jaksoin tanssia vielä yli 4 tuntia. Jatkojen jälkeen olin väsynyt ja menin nukkumaan noin puoli 4 aamulla eli melkein tuli valvottua 24 tuntia!

Päivä oli todellakin ihana ja ikimuistoinen. Rahaa kyllä meni, mutta on monia keinoja miten voit säästää esimerkiksi miksi ostaa 500 euron mekko kun samanveroisen saa 200e:lla? Minultakin saa tuon mekon ja jos on kysyttävää wanhoista niin laittakaa viestiä, vastaan hyvin mielelläni!

sunnuntai 23. lokakuuta 2016

          Goodbye negativity, welcome positivity

Hello! It´s been way too long since I updated this blog... but anyway I have got so many cute and lovely comments from you! It really means the world to me that someone is interested in my life haha! Everything is good, I am on my autumn holiday right now. My mother´s sister rented a cottage from Suomusjärvi and we were there one day. It was really beautiful there.
I was also taking pictures with my friend Eerika and my sister Jasmin. It was the perfect day for taking photos, because the sun was shining and the leafes showed their truth colors. After that we eated at Cafe Maku. This blog post has some photos supplemented with them.

Yep that´s me throwing the leafes. Always so happy.

But this theme that I am dealing right now in this post is how to turn the negativity to positivity. Lately I have noticed that I have been stressed about many so called "unnecessary things" for example not having a boyfriend, not looking like a model or things like that. But I think everyone struggles with things like that.
For me the thing that causes me the feelings like that is the social media. Every day going to for example to Instagram and the first photo you see on your page is the pic of Kylie Jenner or Kim Kardashian or whatever. I think they both are beautiful but really fake from outside.  And seeing the young girls to commented on their pics "goals" "you are so perfect" "I want to be like you" kind of makes me sick to be honest. Is this what we want from this generation? To look fake?

I watched last week Audrey Hepburn´s movie ´Breakfast at Tiffanys´ and I loved her. Her personality shined in the movie but even more that she was 100% natural and real. I think the older people who have the influence to affect people should say to people "it´s totally okay to be you".  

But if you are like me a regular normal  human (which is just fine) and you have some social pressures then the first thing is of course think about deleting social media like Instagram and Snapchat. I have a good self-esteem and I am comfortable in my own skin, which is very important. You may not feel good in your skin now, but I guarantee that everyone feels the same way in some point of their life. You are good JUST THE WAY YOU ARE!

There´s also the everyday pressures like not being the famous girl in school (not that I want to be), presentations in front of class, getting mocked by someone etc... ANYTHING like that! There´s so many things in life that are good so why always think about the bad things. From this day on I am going to think 5 things that are good in my life everyday. I challenge you too! What 5 things are good in your life?

My list is: I am godmother, I go to a good school, I have lovely family, I am healthy and my closest people are okay.

maanantai 15. elokuuta 2016

                           Back to school

Hi! So the school has started again... (well actually it started for me last Thursday.) It takes a while to get my motivation focused on school. Gladly my first period is relaxed, because I only have four courses: art, native language, psychology and religion. I can do this! Next year I will be (hopefully) candidate for the matriculation examination. 
This blog has no theme so I put some summer photos here.
This is exciting time, because my bff, Fanny is going to France next week, because she is exchange student. She´s going to be there a year! I don´t know how I manage to survive (I mean of course I will haha.) It´s scary, because in year everything can change, even the people. But I believe that we will be together forever OR ACTUALLY I KNOW IT. This will make our friendship even stronger!

If you are interested to go to exchange trip someday, follow Fanny´s blog here:

I don´t know when I will be writing next time. But when I write next my bff is in France. If you have been an exchange student and you have some advice´s then don´t be shy! Write them below if you ave any THANK YOU! :)

torstai 21. heinäkuuta 2016

Being turist in Hanko

Hello! So this week´s monday me and my family went to Hanko. It´s the southest and sunniest place in Finland. We have always wanted to go there. Everyone had said it´s amazing place and it surely was. I felt like I stepped to a whole new country. It was so hot and beautiful like for example in Greece. The sound of the waves crashing into the beach and the sand between your toes. Even those little things make me happy. Here are few pictures!

I have about three weeks since school starts again, but let´s not think about that. I have many fun things to come before that like going to amusement park Linnanmäki and the zoo Korkeasaari. 

What summer plans do you have still to come? I´m interested to know so write down below!

sunnuntai 19. kesäkuuta 2016


Yesterday 18th of June I officially became a godmother to my cousin´s and her boyfriends baby girl. This is a little post about that. I am so honored and blessed to be a godmother to this beautiful child with my sister. We will take good care of her. (In this post I won´t be telling all the names because I want to respect their privacy, but I think everybody understands.)

I was so happy to be the one who kept the baby on my arms when the christening happened. The occasion went really well except my arms started to hurt little bit but it´s okay. After the "official" part we ate all good things my family and my relatives had make. There were different sweets like cakes, rhubarb cupcakes (me and my sister made them), strawberries covered in chocolate and cookies.

This was the post and like I said earlier now i´m a happy godmother. Hope you liked this and if you are interested in some of the recipes let me know and I tell you! :)

sunnuntai 12. kesäkuuta 2016

Beautiful Helsinki

Hi! This is continuation of my last post when I saw 5SOS. Last friday we had a choice to choose where to go (I am at high school right now.) In our class trip me and my friends went to Helsinki. It was the perfect choice, because there is lot to see and because the concert was held in Helsinki. We went to Kiasma. It´s a modern museum. There were many exhibitions for example my favorite Choi Jeong Hwa´s beautiful work Happy Happy

I loved Kiasma, because it was so much different than the basic museums.  The artpieces were more international. If you love art then this is definitely your place!
In the left picture was my favorite work. I thought it was beautiful and epic somehow. In the right picture is me and my really good friends. The artpiece under was made by Ernesto Neto.

After visiting the museum we went to shopping to the Forum. We shopped about 2-3 hours. When the school busses left me, my sister and my best friend stayed in Helsinki. We went to eat McDonalds and shopped little more. You can never shop too much!

When we started to drive to Hartwall Arena the clock was about 5:00 p.m and that is where my last post was about. If you are turist or finnish and haven´t been in Helsinki then you should really go there.  I mean it. You can go to Linnanmäki, shopping, see President´s house etc... there is lot to see and you definitely don´t want to miss it!