Yesterday 18th of June I officially became a godmother to my cousin´s and her boyfriends baby girl. This is a little post about that. I am so honored and blessed to be a godmother to this beautiful child with my sister. We will take good care of her. (In this post I won´t be telling all the names because I want to respect their privacy, but I think everybody understands.)
I was so happy to be the one who kept the baby on my arms when the christening happened. The occasion went really well except my arms started to hurt little bit but it´s okay. After the "official" part we ate all good things my family and my relatives had make. There were different sweets like cakes, rhubarb cupcakes (me and my sister made them), strawberries covered in chocolate and cookies.
This was the post and like I said earlier now i´m a happy godmother. Hope you liked this and if you are interested in some of the recipes let me know and I tell you! :)